"Recliner annihilator"

Films: Killer Sofa (2019)

Alias: None

Type: Mysticl

Location: Civilized Area

Height/Weight: That of an average recliner.

Affiliation: Evil

Summary: This is it. The killer lamp from "Amityville 4" has been dethroned. It is no longer the most preposterous possessed household object. Instead, that honor...actually, the award for "most useless possessed object" still goes to the lamp. This thing is a bit more vicious, surprisingly.

History: Okay, it's less a sofa and more a large recliner chair. But either way, it was once in possession of the eccentric and somewhat unhinged Frederico. This man was an occult voodoo enthusiast, and deduced that the chair was possessed by a Dybbuk when it couldn't find any dead people to take the body from. Now, a few people manage to find it locked in chains long after Frederico's disappearance, and someone owns it. But once the demon within sets its sights on a young woman, the murder spree begins. And yes, this furniture can kill from afar.

Notable Kills: Springs! They stab, they go far, they kill!

Final Fate: After finally possessing a dead guy, the Dybbuk goes about life with a new human mate, while trapping another's soul within the recliner. At least the seat is less hostile, suffering soul within notwithstanding.

Powers/Abilities: Can summon giant springs, possess people, and generally move on its own accord.

Weakness: None, but one could try blowing it up.

Scariness Factor: 2.5-It's a chair. It's a chair with little beady eyes and nothing much else. Had it not been capable of gruesomely murdering people and worse, we would have put it right in the '1' territory. It's hardly even a sofa!

Trivia: -Frederico was played by this film's associate producer, Harley Neville.

-This was one of the very few full-length films directed by Bernie Rao, who has a metric ton of short films on his resume, and not much else.

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Several furniture stores have already allowed their display furniture to be possessed for this rule.
You can almost hear the silent roaring from that.
Nothing like the soul of an actor desperate for a paycheck.
